
Spring Family Mini Sessions

Image of Spring Family Mini Sessions
Sold out

Non-refundable deposit/retainer applied towards the overall session cost of $195.

*Session will include:
- 20 minutes mini session at designated location
- Full proof gallery of all images taken at session
- 12 final, high resolution images you select from proof gallery
- Personal printing rights and instant download from final, edited gallery

- We will go where the flowers are for these sessions for the most part. Because seasonal blooming is different every year, I will select the location with the most blooms present about 10 days prior to your session and send you a detailed email with meet-up instructions.
- The sessions will be held between three local areas and primarily Hendricks and Alton Baker Park. NO Hendricks Park sessions will be held on weekends, so if you want Hendricks, do not sign up for a weekend date.
- If a location is specifically designated in the sign-up slot, that is where the session will take place. If a location is NOT designated, I will choose the location shortly before it takes place and alert you.

Let me know if you have any questions PRIOR to purchasing! These sessions will go forward in the event of a little rain and/or cloud cover, but will be postponed in the event of heavy/consistent rain.

These deposits are non-refundable in the event of cancellation or no-show. In the event that I must postpone the sessions due to a downpour of rain, you will have the option of transferring your deposit to a future session date or a refund if you cannot make the new date work.